Alicia Keys Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Alicia Keys quotes and sayings page 2 (44 year old musician). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 106 we have for her.

Alicia Keys Quotes
“When I was younger, studying classical music, I really had to put in the time. Three hours a day is not even nice - you have to put in six.”
“A lot of times I watch TV and I watch film and there's so many things I'd love to talk about that I feel don't get the opportunity to be shown. Sometimes things become very stereotypical and one-sided, and I feel like it's such a colorful world.”
Alicia Keys Quotes
“I see what happens when one gets very attached to material things. That's just not what my life is.”
Alicia Keys Quotes
“Simplicity makes me happy.”
Alicia Keys Quotes
“Maturity and experience are part of my liberation.”
“I love children and I love family and I love that interaction. Because I had a really close relationship with my mother, I understand that deep powerful love, and it's so beautiful. To be a mother to a child is the most brilliant gift; it's gorgeous.”
“I think you are who you are, and your kids will see who you are. So you'd better be a good person, because they are going to see it, and that's going to shape them. They are going to become you.”
“I've always valued the input of the people I love. So in the past, whenever I'd make a decision - what to wear to an event, whether to pursue a job opportunity - I'd consult those closest to me, like my mother, husband, or manager.”
Alicia Keys Quotes
“If I want to be alone, some place I can write, I can read, I can pray, I can cry, I can do whatever I want - I go to the bathroom.”
Alicia Keys Quotes
“I have my mother who is an Irish-Italian, and my father who is African, so I have the taste buds of an Italian and the spice of an African.”

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