Amanda Peet Quotes & Sayings

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39 most famous Amanda Peet quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 53 year old American actress born on Jan 11, 1972.

“Beauty is only skin deep. If you go after someone just because she's beautiful but don't have anything to talk about, it's going to get boring fast. You want to look beyond the surface and see if you can have fun or if you have anything in common with this person.”
Amanda Peet Quotes
“I think getting drunk is the key to flying comfortably. A couple of bloody marys or several glasses of champagne, and suddenly it's like you're on a roller coaster.”
Amanda Peet Quotes
“If I had to give up cheese or chocolate, I'd give up chocolate in a heartbeat.”
Amanda Peet Quotes
“I don't clean, I don't make the bed. I spend my salary. I worry a lot. I just don't worry about socks on the floor.”
Amanda Peet Quotes
“As an actor, my main focus is finding good writing and attacking a good role.”
Amanda Peet Quotes
“The thing I noticed about Jack was when we did a reading of the script, just to warm up.”
Amanda Peet Quotes
“I try to be really hippie about things. I'm uptight in all the ways that are really important, but the things my husband and family can benefit from my uptightness, I'm completely lacking.”
“If there were some recipe that would make all of our children really sane and civic-minded and hugely intelligent, I think we'd probably all do it. But I don't know that there is a recipe for creating that.”
“I'm a big fan of gallows humor. When my aunt passed away, she was in a coma for a day before my cousins pulled the plug. And the amount of joking and base humor that went on that day around her bed was so insane. It's crazy how people talk when something horrible is happening.”
Amanda Peet Quotes
“There's a very small group of elite actresses who are my age, who people want to work with. It's not easy to get a good job with good actors.”

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