Andrew Cuomo Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Andrew Cuomo quotes and sayings page 2 (67 year old politician). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 75 we have for him.
“I believe women still face a glass ceiling that must be shattered.”
“I am fiscally prudent and socially progressive. I believe in protecting a woman's right to choose. I believe in marriage equality.”
“I am against the death penalty.”
“I'm sort of the Antichrist to the Conservative Party.”
“Anyone who says there is not a change in weather patterns is denying reality.”
“I was elected to come to an incredibly dysfunctional capital and make the government work better, and that's what I'm doing.”
“It's time for the people of the Empire State to strike back.”
“You know, you cut taxes for the rich sometimes and it sits in a bank account. You cut taxes for the middle class, they will spend the money.”
“Climate change is a controversial subject, right? People will debate whether there is climate change... that's a whole political debate that I don't want to get into. I want to talk about the frequency of extreme weather situations, which is not political.”
“Lesson 1 from Spitzer: Don't alienate the legislature on Day 1.”
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