Andrew Shue Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Andrew Shue quotes and sayings page 3 (58 year old actor). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 31 we have for him.

Andrew Shue Quotes
“I'm a big fan of Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty, they're my two favorites.”
Andrew Shue Quotes
“Fear is that thing that keeps you up there on that other plateau. Fear is that thing that just keeps you closed down, and quite frankly, alone.”
Andrew Shue Quotes
“There are 80 million moms in the United States. Forty million stay at home with their children.”
Andrew Shue Quotes
“When you have a tough loss, go through it and agonize. I had one loss that I still want to change, but at the same time I realize it is an important part of who I am.”
Andrew Shue Quotes
“You need to make relationships to help you.”
“If I want to continue to build the kind of effort we have with Do Something, being in a public office would help. I wouldn't rule it out, but it's not something I feel determined to do.”
“I'd never been a teacher before, and here I was starting my first day with these eager students. There was a shortage of teachers, and they had been without a math teacher for six months. They were so excited to learn math.”
“If you can get a teen leader in each sector of a student population, you can pull people in. Everybody wants to get involved, but most are too afraid. When they see a person they think is cool leading it, they're first to join.”
“I can pretty much call anyone, whether at the White House, in a company or in the media. I have access, because of the silliness of the entertainment world and how people react to it. It gave me an enormous opportunity to do anything I really want to.”
Andrew Shue Quotes
“The money was good while it lasted. The best part was clearly that it changed my view of what's possible, as far as thinking how you can have an impact on a national level.”

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