Angela Merkel Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Angela Merkel quotes and sayings page 3 (70 year old statesman). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 47 we have for her.

Angela Merkel Quotes
“Politicians have to be committed to people in equal measures.”
“At the beginning of the 60's our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country. We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be gone.' But this isn't reality.”
Angela Merkel Quotes
“We feel bound to the Christian image of humanity - that is what defines us. Those who do not accept this are in the wrong place here.”
“If we remind ourselves of the fact that every fifth American today rightly points and perhaps also with a certain degree of pride to his German ancestry or her German ancestry, we can safely say that we, indeed, share common roots.”
“I felt really sorry for Oliver Kahn. Up to that point he had made lots of saves for the German team. Of course he could have caught the ball but it just happened. It was bad luck. In that situation, you need to be very strong psychologically to carry on.”
Angela Merkel Quotes
“That is why everyone in politics, and we do it, must make sure that they do not depend on one single interest group. A good compromise is one where everybody makes a contribution.”
Angela Merkel Quotes
“For a few years, more people have been leaving our country than entering it. Wherever it is possible, we must lower the entry hurdles for those who bring the country forward.”
Angela Merkel Quotes
“It will not be possible to solve the current crisis with euro bonds.”
Angela Merkel Quotes
“It is nonsense to say that Germans are unable to change.”
Angela Merkel Quotes
“That makes me think of the 2002 World Cup Final above all else. Nobody thought at the time that our team would get through to the Final against Brazil. We should remember that this summer.”

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