Arlen Specter Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Arlen Specter quotes and sayings page 2 (deceased politician born on Feb 12, 1930). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 84 we have for him.

Arlen Specter Quotes
“I don't like labels. I think they conceal more than they reveal, sort of like a bikini.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“My definition of winning at squash is playing and surviving, and I've never lost a match.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“There is no doubt that our nation's security and defeating terrorism trump all other priorities.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“When the 14th Amendment, equal protection clause was enacted, the galleries in the Senate were segregated. Now we have integration.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“Pennsylvania is a very tough state; people don't last long in Pennsylvania politics.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“'Never give in' was my mindset.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“As I think through the issue of funding the rebuilding of Iraq, I think about the analogy of a bankruptcy proceeding. There is no doubt that Iraq as a country is bankrupt.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“If you are going to have to play defense all the time, you cannot have the kind of ingenuity, assertiveness, independence, and intelligence which is what has made our country strong.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“Separation of power says the judiciary committee is supposed to confirm qualified judges and then what the Supreme Court does, that is their function, not my function.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“Voting is fundamental in our democracy. It has yielded enormous returns.”

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