Arlen Specter Quotes & Sayings

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84 most famous Arlen Specter quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He was an American politician who passed away on 14 October, 2012.

Arlen Specter Quotes
“There's nothing more important than our good health - that's our principal capital asset.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“The First Amendment freedom of religion is as important today as when the Bill of Rights was first written.”
“My father was an immigrant who literally walked across Europe to get out of Russia. He fought in World War I. He was wounded in action. My father was a great success even though he never had money. He was a very determined man, a great role model.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“I'm battling cancer. It's another battle I intend to win.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“Heart disease continues to be the number one killer; cancer, the number 2 killer, not far behind. The tragic aspect of these deadly diseases is that they could all be cured, I do believe, if we had sufficient funding.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“It's inspirational to see someone who is dying smile.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“There is no higher value in our society than integrity.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“We don't need holy wars. What we need is tolerance and brotherhood and simple humanity.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“I beat a brain tumor.”
Arlen Specter Quotes
“I just was not going to subject my record to the bleak prospects of a primary election.”

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