Arthur Henderson Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Arthur Henderson quotes and sayings page 3 (politician). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 32 we have.

Arthur Henderson Quotes
“Moreover, war has become a thing potentially so terrible and destructive that it should have been the common aim of statesmen to put an end to it forever.”
“The first condition of success for the League of Nations is, therefore, a firm understanding between the British Empire and the United States of America and France and Italy that there will be no competitive building up of fleets or armies between them.”
Arthur Henderson Quotes
“Thus, the struggle for peace includes the struggle for freedom and justice for the masses of all countries.”
Arthur Henderson Quotes
“But to cut off relations with an aggressor may often invite retaliation by armed action, and this would, in its turn, make necessary some form of collective self-defence by the loyal members of the League.”
Arthur Henderson Quotes
“One of the first essentials is a policy of unreserved political cooperation with all the nations of the world.”
Arthur Henderson Quotes
“The drive toward economic nationalism is only part of the general revival of nationalism.”
Arthur Henderson Quotes
“In our modern world of interdependent nations, hardly any state can wage war successfully without raising loans and buying war materials of every kind in the markets of other nations.”
Arthur Henderson Quotes
“On the contrary, the characteristic element of the present situation is that economic questions have finally and irrevocably invaded the domain of public life and politics.”
Arthur Henderson Quotes
“The more the history of the World War and what led up to it is studied, the more clearly those tragic years become revealed as a vast collapse of civilization.”
Arthur Henderson Quotes
“The question is, what are we to do in order to consolidate peace on a universal and durable foundation, and what are the essential elements of such a peace?”

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