Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes & Sayings (Page 8)

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Arthur Schopenhauer quotes and sayings page 8 (philosopher). Here's quote # 71 through 80 out of the 88 we have.

Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes
“In the sphere of thought, absurdity and perversity remain the masters of the world, and their dominion is suspended only for brief periods.”
Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes
“Friends and acquaintances are the surest passport to fortune.”
Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes
“The alchemists in their search for gold discovered many other things of greater value.”
Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes
“The longer a man's fame is likely to last, the longer it will be in coming.”
Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes
“Patriotism, when it wants to make itself felt in the domain of learning, is a dirty fellow who should be thrown out of doors.”
Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes
“Honor has not to be won; it must only not be lost.”
Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes
“If you want to know your true opinion of someone, watch the effect produced in you by the first sight of a letter from him.”
Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes
“The word of man is the most durable of all material.”
Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes
“Obstinacy is the result of the will forcing itself into the place of the intellect.”
“A man's delight in looking forward to and hoping for some particular satisfaction is a part of the pleasure flowing out of it, enjoyed in advance. But this is afterward deducted, for the more we look forward to anything the less we enjoy it when it comes.”

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