Arthur Smith Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)

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Arthur Smith quotes and sayings page 6 (70 year old comedian). These are the last 7 out of 57 quotes we have for him.

Arthur Smith Quotes
“The outfits come and go but there is a constant that I like about the catwalk model: the snotty expression.”
Arthur Smith Quotes
“When a writer dies you get a higher standard of obituary.”
“Because comedy is cheap to put on: if you've got a play or an opera, there's a whole load of people and a set, but comedy is just one man or woman. And because TV has learned to love comics - there's so many more around now than when I started out.”
“When I was eight or nine, I wrote a new version of 'Peter Pan' for the school play. They didn't use it - I imagine it was unperformable - but as recompense for not doing my script, I was offered any role, and instinctively went for Captain Hook. I came on trying to be terrifying, but everyone laughed at me.”
Arthur Smith Quotes
“When synchronised swimming first appeared on TV, we laughed very heartily, and I, for one, applauded the decision to introduce humour into the Olympics.”
Arthur Smith Quotes
“When they meet a stand-up comic, people sometimes remark: 'That must be the hardest job in the world.' Among comedians, only Freddie Starr is not embarrassed and slightly appalled by this remark.”
Arthur Smith Quotes
“A savage review is much more entertaining for the reader than an admiring one; the little misanthrope in each of us relishes the rubbishing of someone else.”

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