Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes & Sayings (Page 12)

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Aung San Suu Kyi quotes and sayings page 12 (79 year old activist). Here's quote # 111 through 120 out of the 129 we have for her.

“Every government must consider the security of the country. That is just part of the responsibilities of any government. But true security can only come out of unity within a country where there are so many ethnic nationalities.”
Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes
“We want to empower our people; we want to strengthen them; we want to provide them with the kind of qualifications that will enable them to build up their own country themselves.”
Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes
“Whatever help we may want from the international community now or in the future, we want to make sure that this help is tailored to help our people to help themselves.”
Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes
“When we think of the state of the economy, we are not thinking in terms of money flow. We are thinking in terms of the effect on everyday lives of people.”
Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes
“A revolution simply means great change, significant change, and that's how I'm defining it - great change for the better, brought about through non-violent means.”
“I learned to work on a computer years before I was placed under house arrest. Fortunately I had two laptops when I was under house arrest - one an Apple and one a different operating system. I was very proud of that because I know how to use both systems.”
Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes
“I was surprised by the response of young people because there is a perception that those younger than the 1988 generation are not interested in politics.”
“I'm not the only one working for democracy in Burma - there are so many people who have worked for it because they believe that this is the only way we can maintain the dignity of our people.”
Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes
“I've been repeating ad nauseam that we in Burma, we are weak with regard to the culture of negotiated compromises, that we have to develop the ability to achieve such compromises.”
“Regime is made up of people, so I do put faces to regimes and governments, so I feel that all human beings have the right to be given the benefit of the doubt, and they also have to be given the right to try to redeem themselves if they so wish.”

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