Austan Goolsbee Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Austan Goolsbee quotes and sayings page 2 (public servant). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 22 we have.

“I am a data hound and so I usually end up working on whatever things I can find good data on. The rise of Internet commerce completely altered the amount of information you could gather on company behavior so I naturally drifted toward it.”
“When Texans suffered from the collapse of the oil market in the 1980s, they could rely on the fiscal union to help them. When Texas boomed with rising oil prices in the 2000s, it contributed to the union to help harder hit regions.”
Austan Goolsbee Quotes
“History teaches that the level of unemployment is not as important as whether the rate's going down.”
Austan Goolsbee Quotes
“I don't believe, the president doesn't believe, that the high income tax cuts work, period. I don't think the evidence supports that.”
Austan Goolsbee Quotes
“Look, I don't dispute that the deficit has increased.”
Austan Goolsbee Quotes
“For policy makers interested in using tax policy to stimulate investments or especially to smooth business cycle fluctuations, the results are not promising.”
Austan Goolsbee Quotes
“Giving Northern Europe a veto over Southern Europe's budgets will not hold a monetary union together. The euro zone will continue to need the weaker countries to stomach decades of high unemployment to grind down wages.”
“I believe - I'm not a political expert, but I believe there is a broad consensus, a middle ground if you will, that Democrats and Republicans, business people and workers can agree on, to get this - the economy growing faster, getting people back to work.”
“If a lobbyist sets up shop, or a lawyer, in which they're receiving income through what is something like a tax loophole so that it's not counting as corporate income, that is what this is counting as a small business.”
Austan Goolsbee Quotes
“So more than 8 million people lost their jobs. It's going to take a significant push on our part and time before that comes down. I don't anticipate it coming down rapidly.”

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