Bar Refaeli Quotes & Sayings

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15 most famous Bar Refaeli quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 39 year old Israeli model born on Jun 4, 1985.

Bar Refaeli Quotes
“Modeling gave me an opportunity to be someone I'm not each day.”
“Since I was 8 months old, till I was 12, I did commercials and ads and cute little stuff for kids. Then I had braces on my teeth. They took them off when I was 16, and then I started modeling more seriously and doing more fashion.”
Bar Refaeli Quotes
“I get to travel, see the world, meet people and be independent. I feel blessed.”
“I usually go make-up free when I'm not working. Because I work so much, during the free days that I have I like to let my skin breathe, but of course I'm girly so I like to put on some blush and some mascara.”
Bar Refaeli Quotes
“The one thing I'm absolutely obsessed with lately are gadgets! New cell phones; I walk around with three phones because I have all the new ones, and I can't choose which I prefer.”
Bar Refaeli Quotes
“Happiness is when you love who you are and you are able to accept yourself and others.”
Bar Refaeli Quotes
“Justin Bieber and I are going to get married some day. I also like Tom Cruise. He's very classy.”
Bar Refaeli Quotes
“These 'Sports Illustrated' people, they know how to hold a secret.”
Bar Refaeli Quotes
“My everyday job is about superficial beauty, but when I'm not working I prefer to work on my inner beauty - I read a lot, I try to learn.”
Bar Refaeli Quotes
“The year hasn't started yet and it's already been the best I've ever had.”

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