Bob Kerrey Quotes & Sayings

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12 most famous Bob Kerrey quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's an 81 year old American politician born on Aug 27, 1943.

Bob Kerrey Quotes
“I value public service and I'm relatively good at organizing political causes.”
Bob Kerrey Quotes
“Like Jonah, the whale had swallowed me; unlike him, I believed I would spend eternity inside the belly of the beast.”
Bob Kerrey Quotes
“The only medal that I am certain I deserved is the Purple Heart.”
Bob Kerrey Quotes
“When you're fighting for economic and social justice, you're always fighting for the minority.”
“But on the big things, I'm not going to trim in order to win public opinion. Because I really don't want to serve in the Senate if I arrive there without permission to do the things I think need to be done.”
Bob Kerrey Quotes
“The problem is you tend to look back and identify mistakes, and as a consequence of feeling terrible about mistakes you say you bungled this so bad, let's get out of here.”
Bob Kerrey Quotes
“I've been a Yankees fan since I was six.”
Bob Kerrey Quotes
“There is no force more liberating than the knowledge that you are fighting for others.”
“If you look beyond the short term violence and instability, you do see significant activities on the part of the Iraqi people that indicate they understand the commitment necessary to govern themselves. It's not clear how they will do it, but it never is.”
Bob Kerrey Quotes
“Cuba wants to get rid of a dictator, and baseball needs a dictator.”

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