Brenda Blethyn Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Brenda Blethyn quotes and sayings page 3 (79 year old actress). These are the last 4 out of 24 quotes we have for her.

Brenda Blethyn Quotes
“I've done a lot of costume drama and theatre - the National Theatre and In fact, most of my work at the theatre, at the National Theatre anyway, was period.”
Brenda Blethyn Quotes
“It's the same as any role and I find that you can't lump characters together; because they all have different life experiences, different reasons for being the way they are.”
Brenda Blethyn Quotes
“People say to me that I can't be nervous because I've had such a wealth of experience, but I tell them that I have never done this particular part before.”
Brenda Blethyn Quotes
“The strange thing is that since I've been offered lots of films I think that maybe they think that I've sold out to Hollywood. Which is not the case if anybody's listening.”

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