Cara Buono Quotes & Sayings

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20 most famous Cara Buono quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 51 year old American actress born on Mar 1, 1974.

Cara Buono Quotes
“I love food and I love ingredients and I love reading recipes. It's just a great pleasure.”
Cara Buono Quotes
“I'm not a snob. I can make a meal out of anything. I can eat anywhere.”
Cara Buono Quotes
“I am a certified yoga teacher and I love to cycle and swim.”
Cara Buono Quotes
“Some people aren't great with babies, or they're not great with a smaller child - it's not that they're bad mothers.”
Cara Buono Quotes
“Being on 'The Sopranos' definitely prepared me for the militant secrecy of 'Mad Men.'”
Cara Buono Quotes
“My mom cooked for us, and on the weekend, we always had Sunday dinner. My father liked to bake.”
Cara Buono Quotes
“Running doesn't come easy to me, especially the first thirty or so minutes. My message is take it one step at a time.”
Cara Buono Quotes
“With 'Mad Men,' people who grew up or were living in that time, they love to talk about what it was really like.”
Cara Buono Quotes
“As an actress, you have to give your character a life, a history, and make it full and rich for yourself.”
Cara Buono Quotes
“I am born and raised in the Bronx. Where I grew up, it is a really working-class neighborhood and it does give you a really good work ethic.”

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