Carrie Ann Inaba Quotes & Sayings

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28 most famous Carrie Ann Inaba quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 57 year old American dancer born on Jan 5, 1968.

“I have this firm belief that I am who I am for a reason. If I change something, I'm cheating myself of whatever it is I'm supposed to learn from my body. You know, I'm legally blind. I'm 20/750, since I was in fifth grade. I wear glasses and contacts. But I won't even get LASIK.”
“I do a one-hour workout called Drenched, a cardio-boxing fitness routine, Monday through Friday. There are usually between twenty-five and fifty people there - everyone from stay-at-home moms and professional martial artists to teenagers and seniors. They play great dance music. When I can, I take two classes back-to-back.”
Carrie Ann Inaba Quotes
“One of the best gifts you can give to an animal is a donation of a blanket to your local animal shelter during the winter months.”
Carrie Ann Inaba Quotes
“I don't need that much to live - we don't need that much to have a wonderful life. I learned that from animals.”
Carrie Ann Inaba Quotes
“Love is the one thing in life that makes everything worthwhile.”
Carrie Ann Inaba Quotes
“I love pets and I love animals, and I just got a new puppy, a new rescue named Peanut. She's a tiny little Chihuahua mix.”
“My poor vision gives me a soft-focus morning. For the first half hour, I kind of wander through my house, and everything is a blur. I put my contacts in when I'm ready to deal with the world.”
Carrie Ann Inaba Quotes
“I went through this phase where I thought pink and purple matched. To dance class, I'd wear purple tights and pink leg warmers and paint my shoes purple. It was really odd.”
Carrie Ann Inaba Quotes
“I'm considering going back to school to become a registered dance therapist.”
Carrie Ann Inaba Quotes
“I have arthritis. The space around my spinal cord has become compressed.”

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