Christiane Amanpour Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Christiane Amanpour quotes and sayings page 4 (67 year old journalist). These are the last 4 out of 34 quotes we have for her.

Christiane Amanpour Quotes
“But to be self-obsessed is simply not o.k. for the most important country in the world, the United States, which affects every other country in the world.”
Christiane Amanpour Quotes
“I am no longer sure that when I go out there and do my job it'll even see the light of air, if the experience of my network colleagues is anything to go by.”
Christiane Amanpour Quotes
“Indeed in the full flush of journalistic passion and conviction I once told an interviewer that of course I would never get married. And I most definitely would never have children.”
Christiane Amanpour Quotes
“We hear foreign accents on CNN. It's crazy, it's wild, who knows, maybe they'll take you because you certainly don't fit in, in the American spectrum of news.”

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