Chuck Schumer Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Chuck Schumer quotes and sayings page 3 (politician). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 87 we have.

Chuck Schumer Quotes
“My father, Abe, was a small businessman. For 32 years, he ran an exterminating company. That may explain why our family always associated the smell of roach spray with love.”
Chuck Schumer Quotes
“Every administration has this idea to talk tough to Israel and make nice to the Arabs and the Palestinians, and that's the way to bring about peace. It's counter-productive - it's actually the opposite.”
“I respect people who feel things passionately. I do. But when someone is a judge, that is not what they should bring to the bench. It is not really passion, except in rare instances, that serves the bench well. It is, rather, an ability to understand the law and follow it.”
“Middle class people, I think they realize that Romney is not for them because of his narrowness, but they want to make sure that Barack Obama is focused on them with things that will make a difference. They know he tried, but they also know that it didn't do as well as they would have liked.”
Chuck Schumer Quotes
“The Internet in the 21st Century is as important to our future as highways were in the 20th Century. Like a highway, the Internet must remain free and open for all - not determined by the highest bidders.”
“We certainly want those at the top to do well, but if you base your entire presidency and your entire economic platform on helping them do even better, you're missing what makes the economy tick. Because not everyone has been as fortunate as Mitt Romney, you cannot base your whole approach on a life experience as rarified as his.”
“What the public hates the most is when they think the politicians aren't listening to them. They understand that we can't solve all their problems with a snap of our fingers, but they sure want us to try because we are public servants.”
Chuck Schumer Quotes
“But I don't think the Democratic Party is at eye level with the middle class.”
Chuck Schumer Quotes
“A devastating commentary on the war in Iraq is that we have been unable to spend money on infrastructure.”
Chuck Schumer Quotes
“Any party that writes off 25, 30, 35 percent of the American people is not going to be a winner.”

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