Dan Harmon Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Dan Harmon quotes and sayings page 3 (52 year old writer). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 34 we have for him.
“Everyone knows that there are more people watching any given show than is being registered by the Nielsen system.”
“I really like performing for people.”
“I think that casting is probably the most important thing in television production.”
“I was raised on NBC television.”
“Television is a populous, derivative, democratic medium.”
“There's the same percentage of genius happening in both genders, but there's less women writing scripts and out there looking for the job.”
“Truthfully, I'm pretty stuck in the '80s.”
“When I was a kid I never knew the difference between a sitcom and a drama. I just knew what my parents were watching and what was making them happy.”
“TV in all its ugliness can be a beautiful thing.”
“I care very much what the fans think. I'm starting to loosen my grip on caring about what critics say, because I think that critics care about what fans think of them, too, so there's a little bit of a refraction there, through that glass.”
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