Daniel Yergin Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Daniel Yergin quotes and sayings page 2 (author). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 23 we have.

“First, we have to find a common vocabulary for energy security. This notion has a radically different meaning for different people. For Americans it is a geopolitical question. For the Europeans right now it is very much focused on the dependence on imported natural gas.”
Daniel Yergin Quotes
“The bulk of extra supplies that could be put into the market come from two places. One, they come from other Persian Gulf suppliers, of which Saudi Arabia is at the top of the list.”
Daniel Yergin Quotes
“Cycles of shortage and surplus characterize the entire history of oil.”
Daniel Yergin Quotes
“The North Sea was supposed to run out in the 1980s. Then in the 1990s. And now production is still on-line.”
Daniel Yergin Quotes
“But the key thing is that Iraq, while it's got very large oil reserves, has marginalized itself as an oil exporter and these days its exports are only about one tenth that of neighboring Saudi Arabia.”
“I think the producers, for the most part, don't want to see prices skyrocket because that will only create problems for them down the road and would also be a, you know, would be a very serious shock for a world economy that can't afford serious shocks right now.”
Daniel Yergin Quotes
“But eventually it's a question of access: Getting access to fields is on top of the oil companies' agenda. We see a substantial build-up of supply occurring over the coming years.”
“In a couple of years, the Chinese will be seen as regular participants in international industry. Their companies have to report to shareholders as well as to the Chinese authorities. They need to make money, they have to be efficient.”
Daniel Yergin Quotes
“The other are the strategic, so-called strategic stocks that the United States and the other Western industrial countries have, which could put in as much as four million barrels a day of oil into the market pretty quickly.”
Daniel Yergin Quotes
“A premium in the oil price of somewhere between 10 to 15 dollars a barrel reflects this heightened anxiety.”

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