Darren Aronofsky Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Darren Aronofsky quotes and sayings page 4 (56 year old director). These are the last 7 out of 37 quotes we have for him.

Darren Aronofsky Quotes
“At the end of Requiem all I wanted to do was get a DV camera and just do a small film. But then the hunger comes back.”
Darren Aronofsky Quotes
“I only want to work with actors that really get it and make it work. I didn't want it to be a star-driven thing anymore.”
Darren Aronofsky Quotes
“I'm not a comic book guy at all.”
Darren Aronofsky Quotes
“I've spent a life loving women and studying them as much as I can, or am allowed to.”
“I know some people that have gone through serious struggles. People that were close to me, and I've seen some terrible things about people who lose it. So I think that type of pain is something that's human and that, actually, can help us look at ourselves a little bit.”
Darren Aronofsky Quotes
“I think it's my nature to try and make original content, and that's what I've done, is just try and approach things in an original way, and do things differently.”
Darren Aronofsky Quotes
“If you ask any person on this crew what they think of Hugh Jackman they'll admit they've never seen anything like it. I'll give him an emotional note and he'll hit it every time.”

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