Darren Criss Quotes & Sayings
40 most famous Darren Criss quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 38 year old American actor born on Feb 5, 1987.
“As a composer and as a musician I'm a true believer - and this is not to be overly diplomatic - I'm a believer that there's artistry in everything from a lawn gnome to a desk chair to a symphony to an Andy Warhol painting. There's art in absolutely everything.”
“I always shoot for the moon in my work, so that I'm happy when I land on the roof.”
“Fashion is about owning whatever you're wearing, regardless of if it's a high fashion statement or not.”
“I'm this goofball. I look at myself in the mirror, and the person that I know doesn't match up to what I think people love to perceive me as.”
“It's always important to recognize your situation and not take it for granted.”
“I remember seeing 'Aladdin' when I was five or six and loving it. I looked at the big screen and said to my mum, 'Whatever this Genie guy does, I want to do.' Mum said I couldn't be a genie, but that Robin Williams, who did the voice-over in the film, was an actor. So I said, 'OK, then, I want to be an actor.'”
“I'd like to be writing songs for other people - I just like writing songs.”
“I'm like any other composer. If you give me five years to write a symphony, I'm still going to be asking for more time two days before it's due.”
“The cool thing about music is no one can take music away from you, writing wise.”
“When I play live in restaurants and cafes, I don't play my own stuff. I play jazz and 'American Songbook' standards, and I'll fuse it with top 40.”
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