Drew Goddard Quotes & Sayings

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62 most famous Drew Goddard quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 50 year old American director born on Feb 26, 1975.

Drew Goddard Quotes
“I've found that if you just try to make the film you want, you'll find the right audience. If you try to please everyone, you're going to make really boring films.”
Drew Goddard Quotes
“Filmmaking is incredible introspective. It forces you to sort of examine yourself in new ways.”
“There's just something wonderful about getting a small group of people together in an isolated location, and there's something about cabins themselves that imply both horror and fun. When you go to a cabin, you're usually going to have a good time.”
Drew Goddard Quotes
“With horror movies, a bigger budget is actually your enemy. You want to feel the rough edges, the handmade quality to good horror films. It's a genre that benefits from not having everything at your disposal.”
Drew Goddard Quotes
“I think audiences crave something new. I don't think audiences want the same old thing, no matter how much conventional Hollywood tells you that.”
Drew Goddard Quotes
“The more work you put in on your outline and getting the skeleton of your story right, the easier the process is later.”
Drew Goddard Quotes
“This is what I do for fun - brainstorm about monsters!”
“As a filmmaker, I wish we didn't have to do trailers at all, quite honestly. I wish we didn't have to do posters. I wish didn't have to give anything away. I wish people could just come in the movie blind. But as an audience member, I respect that you have to tell an audience that this is worth your time.”
“I think that there's good movies and there's bad movies, and sometimes the bad movies spoil it for the rest of us, and we focus on them, but in the long run, all that matters are the good movies. Those are the ones that we will remember.”
“The greatest villain of all time is The Joker - he always has been, and I don't know anyone who's not going to have Heath Ledger's performance burnt into their brains for the rest of their lives.”

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