Dyan Cannon Quotes & Sayings

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14 most famous Dyan Cannon quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's an 88 year old American actress born on Jan 4, 1937.

Dyan Cannon Quotes
“I have become down-hearted, I have become discouraged, I have become depressed. I'm just like you. I'm a human being and I have my problems.”
Dyan Cannon Quotes
“I was seeking a real love, a real deal, and I have been seeking it for a lot of years. And in that seeking, I found that God's love is real.”
Dyan Cannon Quotes
“God's love doesn't leave out Jews or Muslims or anyone.”
Dyan Cannon Quotes
“Even when there are times that we're not happy, happiness will creep in.”
Dyan Cannon Quotes
“Being born again means you have a new concept of yourself.”
Dyan Cannon Quotes
“Einstein said, if everything exists as a substance of qualities, and qualities exist only in mind, then all is mind.”
Dyan Cannon Quotes
“Shakespeare said, nothing is either good nor bad but thinking makes it so.”
Dyan Cannon Quotes
“The Bible says, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
“I was going to go make a film in Greece. if they caught you with this much marijuana, they threw you in jail, no questions asked, and I was trying to stuff it in my deodorant bottles. I thought, what I am doing?”
Dyan Cannon Quotes
“Have you ever noticed when you start getting happy, you say, uh-uh, I'd better watch out. I feel too good. Something's going to happen.”

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