Ella Maillart Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Ella Maillart quotes and sayings page 3 (writer). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 39 we have.

Ella Maillart Quotes
“The timelessness of a concept has to be woven into the running warp of dying time, vertical power has to be wedded to the horizontal earth.”
Ella Maillart Quotes
“One travels to escape from it all, but that is the great illusion: It cannot be done, since one travels with one's mind.”
Ella Maillart Quotes
“The wideness of the horizon has to be inside us, cannot be anywhere but inside us, otherwise what we speak about is geographic distances.”
Ella Maillart Quotes
“We want to feel that this earth is all ours, like our parents' house when we were children.”
Ella Maillart Quotes
“I can see now that a concept or even a feeling makes no sense unless out of our substance we spin around it a web of references, of relationships, of values.”
Ella Maillart Quotes
“Not only does travel give us a new system of reckoning, it also brings to the fore unknown aspects of our own self. Our consciousness being broadened and enriched, we shall judge ourselves more correctly.”
“You can feel as brave as Columbus starting for the unknown the first time you enter a Chinese lane full of boys laughing at you, or when you risk climbing down in a Tibetan pub for a meal of rotten meat.”
Ella Maillart Quotes
“When I crossed Asia with my friend Peter Fleming, we spoke to no one but each other during many months, and we covered exactly the same ground. Nevertheless my journey differed completely from his.”
Ella Maillart Quotes
“When I look at something, it is certain that for an instant I am one with what I see.”
Ella Maillart Quotes
“The benefits of the accomplished journey cannot be weighed in terms of perfect moments, but in terms of how this journey affects and changes our character.”

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