Estelle Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Estelle quotes and sayings page 2 (45 year old musician). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 114 we have for her.
“I always want to remain inspired.”
“I feel like I'm beautiful, and every woman should feel like that.”
“I feel like it's not a bad average for every album I've got in the United States to be nominated for something off the album.”
“I got to the point where I was fed up with so many people telling me how and who I was supposed to be.”
“I try not to judge because I've been judged a heck of a lot, and it don't feel nice.”
“I will test a guy to within an inch of his sanity because I've been through too much drama. He has to be 100%.”
“I've always dug Audrey Hepburn. I think she's one of the classic beauties.”
“If you cannot smile when you listen to music, then do not listen to it!”
“'Something Good' is a feel-good song. A reminder that you're dope and have something wonderful to offer life and yourself and the world.”
“We get older, and we forget that we have to carve a little time out to feel good in your body, in your head, and in your spirit.”
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