Fiona Apple Quotes & Sayings

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81 most famous Fiona Apple quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 46 year old American musician born on Sep 13, 1977.

Fiona Apple Quotes
“I used to get a shiver if I thought about holding balloons, because I was scared of floating away.”
“How can you go wrong with two people in love? If a good boy loves a good girl, good. If a good boy loves another good boy, good. And if a good girl loves the goodness in good boys and good girls, then all you have is more goodness, and goodness has nothing to do with sexual orientation.”
Fiona Apple Quotes
“I would really like to go back to school. I would love it now.”
Fiona Apple Quotes
“Now I feel like whatever I do, no one can hurt me. I cannot be violated, I cannot be humiliated, I cannot be disregarded, I cannot be disrespected.”
Fiona Apple Quotes
“Nothing that you do will ever feel good if you let people convince you that you have no choice.”
Fiona Apple Quotes
“If you want to see me cry, just come to a photo shoot.”
“When you're surrounded by all these people, it can be even lonelier than when you're by yourself. You can be in a huge crowd, but if you don't feel like you can trust anybody or talk to anybody, you feel like you're really alone.”
Fiona Apple Quotes
“The way I feel about music is that there is no right and wrong. Only true and false.”
Fiona Apple Quotes
“If I respect myself and believe in what I'm doing, no one can touch me.”
Fiona Apple Quotes
“Everybody sees me as this sullen and insecure little thing. Those are just the sides of me that I feel it's necessary to show because no one else seems to be showing them.”

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