Frank Luntz Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Frank Luntz quotes and sayings page 2 (63 year old politician). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 38 we have for him.

“So often corporate America, business America, are the worst communicators, because all they understand are facts, and they cannot tell a story. They know how to explain their quarterly results, but they don't know how to explain what they mean.”
Frank Luntz Quotes
“It is acceptable to bring someone to tears if it explains to them in an emotional way why a product, a service, or a candidate is the right person, is the right thing to do.”
“There's a lot of money with a lot of big law firms that have a tremendous amount at stake by getting the right language to convince the right jury that my client is either innocent or that the opposition is guilty.”
Frank Luntz Quotes
“I've done reasonably well over the last 10 years because I took the strategy of language and politics and applied it to the corporate world, which has never been done before.”
“I don't understand why people whose entire lives or their corporate success depends on communication, and yet they are led on occasion by CEOs who cannot talk their way out of a paper bag and don't care to.”
Frank Luntz Quotes
“The challenge in working in politics, particularly if you're working for a political party, is that everyone's a messenger.”
“Words can sometimes be used to confuse, but it's up to the practitioners of the study of language to apply them for good and not for evil. It is just like fire; fire can heat your house or burn it down.”
Frank Luntz Quotes
“What matters most in politics is personality. It's not issues; it's not image. It's who you are and what you represent.”
Frank Luntz Quotes
“If you're a good numbers person, you're a bad language person.”
“In fact, in more cases than not, when we are rational, we're actually unhappy. Emotion is good; passion is good. Being into what we're into, provided that it's a healthy pursuit, it's a good thing.”

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