Gabrielle Reece Quotes & Sayings
36 most famous Gabrielle Reece quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 55 year old American athlete born on Jan 6, 1970.
“I think any time people behave in a way that's truly them, then they'll never fail. You get in trouble when you try to copy others.”
“I'm not just a model who plays volleyball, or a volleyball player who supports herself modeling. I'm a female athlete personality.”
“Funny, how moms can tell you what to do no matter how old or big you are.”
“If you want to stay fit, surround yourself with a couple of chicks who are fired up, so that the one day you're not, you can feed off their energy.”
“I don't have a life, I really don't. I'm as close to a nun as you can be without the little hat. I'm a golf nun.”
“My motivation has always been health - eating healthy and taking care of myself.”
“Stay calm and aggressive.”
“I didn't get into this to pick up a new hobby. I don't want to just be a golfer. I want to be the best.”
“The best thing about golf is ultimately what it teaches you about yourself. And the worst thing is how freakin' nervous it can make you feel.”
“Even if I'm gone all day, breakfast is the one meal I always cook for my kids. I make French toast, oatmeal, or an egg burrito.”
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