Gary Johnson Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)
Gary Johnson quotes and sayings page 5 (politician). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 101 we have.
“Any movement at all that reduces disease, that reduces overdoses, that reduces property crime, that reduces violent crime, is good.”
“I don't believe there should be any restrictions when it comes to firearms. None.”
“I don't personally have a sense that life starts at conception. I don't personally have that sense.”
“I don't seek the counsel of God. God doesn't speak to me on what I should or shouldn't do.”
“I had a 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington' experience as governor.”
“I have not watched Glenn Beck. I don't watch him.”
“I just think everything we do has an unintended consequence. We take out Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and Iraq was the check against Iran.”
“I leave abortion to the woman. I just fundamentally end there. I absolutely support a woman's right to choose.”
“I reject the insurance model. I think we should have a free-market approach to healthcare.”
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