Gordon Brown Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Gordon Brown quotes and sayings page 2 (74 year old politician). These are the last 6 out of 16 quotes we have for him.
“Britain can be proud of its response to the tsunami appeal.”
“Britain should be the world's number one center for genetic and stem cell research, building on our world leading regulatory regime in the area.”
“We spend more on cows than the poor.”
“I don't see politics as one or two people just making or delivering announcements - it's also about winning public support and the public enthusiasm. You've got to win public support.”
“So another challenge for our generation is to create global institutions that reflect our ideas of fairness and responsibility, not the ideas that were the basis of the last stage of financial development over these recent years.”
“America knows it has got to deal with its deficit problems so that it, too, can promise it is making its proper and best contributions to the world economy.”
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