Grimes Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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Grimes quotes and sayings page 5 (musician). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 84 we have.

Grimes Quotes
“I'm against spending money to record.”
Grimes Quotes
“The thing is, I really like working. If I sit around too much, I get really bad anxiety.”
Grimes Quotes
“It's kind of like I'm Phil Spector, and I'm forcing a young girl to make pop music and perform exhaustively. Except, instead of it being someone else, that girl is also me.”
Grimes Quotes
“I don't even wear shoes with heels because I hate making a noise when I walk and people looking at me.”
Grimes Quotes
“Most of my music videos were made for under $200.”
Grimes Quotes
“It's really hard to be on stage and packing your gear when people who just saw you play are in the room, because they all just want to talk to you.”
Grimes Quotes
“The way that you present yourself visually totally dictates your audience and everything that anyone thinks about you.”
Grimes Quotes
“When I'm making a song that's very Grimes, it just feels very insular and it feels weird to have someone else do something on it.”
Grimes Quotes
“Fashion can be a really powerful tool, but it's also a place where you can be totally humiliated and have your power taken from you.”
Grimes Quotes
“I get offers to do huge-budget music videos with big production companies all the time, but I have no interest.”

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