Hamish Bowles Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Hamish Bowles quotes and sayings page 3 (journalist). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 39 we have for him.

“As a boy soprano in the high school choir, I later sang a solo during the carol service at Canterbury Cathedral, but I was too young to secure the Freddy Eynsford-Hill role in our production of 'My Fair Lady' - and far too timid to have thought to audition for it.”
“My obsession with accumulation, which at times has taken on the whisper of a psychic illness - as anyone who has experienced the ode to the Collyer brothers that is my 'Vogue' office will concur - began in infancy.”
“We're obviously in a strange environment where practically anyone can set themselves up as a pundit of sorts. It's all about sorting the wheat from the chaff, and I'm very interested in reading different points of view, and certainly different generations than my own that have such a very different world view.”
Hamish Bowles Quotes
“Although I have lived in Manhattan since 1992, for the better part of two decades I have remained in blissful oblivion of all matters sportif.”
Hamish Bowles Quotes
“I don't have an off-duty wardrobe.”
Hamish Bowles Quotes
“I literally in the New York flea market - just when I was despairing of ever having a great serendipitous find - found a 1926 Chanel.”
Hamish Bowles Quotes
“I started collecting couture when I was about 10 or 11 years old, and the very first piece I bought was a Balenciaga suit from 1962.”
Hamish Bowles Quotes
“In Miss Catherine Middleton we have the faintest, intoxicating glimmer of a New Age Cinderella story.”
Hamish Bowles Quotes
“Marrakech in May is unseasonably tagine-hot.”
Hamish Bowles Quotes
“My tastes formed quite early. All I ever wanted to do was go to costume museums.”

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