Illeana Douglas Quotes & Sayings

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24 most famous Illeana Douglas quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 59 year old American actress born on Jul 25, 1965.

Illeana Douglas Quotes
“There's too much insecurity on studio sets, with all the people standing around, whispering.”
“I wore a lot of vintage clothing. I dressed like a reporter, with a little card in my hat. I had these fantasies of who I wanted to be, so I'd dress like an explorer, a cowboy. I dressed up like Elton John a lot too. That was another period.”
Illeana Douglas Quotes
“I'm a big fan of Albert Brooks, Nichols and May. I'd like to follow in their footsteps and do comedy films.”
Illeana Douglas Quotes
“I had an obsession that I was male characters from movies.”
Illeana Douglas Quotes
“I love anything to do with ventriloquism and magic.”
Illeana Douglas Quotes
“God only knows what else is on the web about me.”
Illeana Douglas Quotes
“I always wanted to get into the horror genre. I like scary movies. I want to go to the fan shows and sign posters with my head hanging by a thread like a B-movie actress.”
Illeana Douglas Quotes
“I come from a pretty strange family.”
Illeana Douglas Quotes
“I loved the idea of the Nerd as Hero, which Ghost World also had.”
Illeana Douglas Quotes
“I met Patricia Neal, John Houseman. But I loved my grandfather because he was this kind, talented man.”

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