Robert Cray Quotes & Sayings

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9 most famous Robert Cray quotes and sayings. He's a 71 year old American musician born on Aug 1, 1953.

Robert Cray Quotes
“All the blues greats took chances and developed their own style. They didn't copy.”
Robert Cray Quotes
“I realized I was tired of singing about trees and flowers. I wanted to sing about real life. From then on, nobody could tell me anything was better than blues.”
Robert Cray Quotes
“I liked the Beatles because there was so much melody. Jimi Hendrix is still one of my heroes.”
Robert Cray Quotes
“I'm a one-woman man. Pretty much.”
Robert Cray Quotes
“A lot of bands would be aching to be in the position we are.”
Robert Cray Quotes
“I was pretty shy, not too outgoing.”
Robert Cray Quotes
“Normally when we go in and write the songs we write, we think about doing a cover, but never a covers record. That would be, for us, a concept. We don't want to have a concept!”
Robert Cray Quotes
“I cook Italian, Thai and Vietnamese, I've always liked to cook.”
Robert Cray Quotes
“I don't see how anybody cannot be political in this day and age. There's so much going on and you have to be aware and you have to vote. Our lives are political.”

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