Jack Nicklaus Quotes & Sayings (Page 8)

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Jack Nicklaus quotes and sayings page 8 (85 year old athlete). Here's quote # 71 through 80 out of the 82 we have for him.

“If I were to look back on my work, I think I accomplished probably about 70 to 75 percent of what I could have. Maybe 60 percent. Somewhere in that area; two-thirds of what I could have accomplished. If I had been a really dedicated person, and really worked hard, I think I could have accomplished more.”
Jack Nicklaus Quotes
“Naturally it is nice to be widely known for worthwhile achievements, but it forces you to do many things which you don't like to do and these things take up time you want for other things.”
Jack Nicklaus Quotes
“But if I played well and prepared myself properly, then all I had to do was control myself and put myself in a position to win.”
Jack Nicklaus Quotes
“And, of course, I'm constantly energized by designing courses around the world.”
Jack Nicklaus Quotes
“I can barely turn on my computer!”
Jack Nicklaus Quotes
“I thoroughly enjoy working with kids, whether it's The First Tee or the lesson tee with my grandkids.”
Jack Nicklaus Quotes
“I'm probably the only bottom-heavy golfer in the country.”
Jack Nicklaus Quotes
“Professional golf is the only sport where, if you win 20% of the time, you're the best.”
“Sometimes, I'm an ogre. I can be short. I'll walk into the office some days and I've gotten up on the wrong side of the bed, and everybody knows it. I'm a perfectionist. I like to be organized, and I like to get everything done today.”
Jack Nicklaus Quotes
“The long irons are the nemesis of the average golfer. I'm convinced that the underlying reason for this is that he keeps hearing how hard they are to handle. They're not that difficult, truly.”

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