James Nesbitt Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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James Nesbitt quotes and sayings page 4 (60 year old actor). Here's quote # 31 through 40 out of the 117 we have for him.

James Nesbitt Quotes
“Although surgeons know how to deal with bits of the brain, they don't really know how it works.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“As fabulous as technology is, it can also make us very anxious.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“As I told Piers Morgan, 'Catholics have confession, whereas Northern Irish Protestants only have interviews.'”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“Because I grew up with women, I have a certain amount of charm, and I'm all right to get on with, kind enough, funny enough, blah blah blah.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“Belfast is a city which, while not forgetting its past, is living comfortably with its present and looking forward to its future.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“Drama asks some uncomfortable questions at times... It goes to pretty dark places.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“Ever since I left Northern Ireland, I've always been pretty comfortable on my own, which contradicts a lot of people's perceptions of me.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“I actually started out on the stage as a singer.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“I am in the public eye, and I accept that my actions may be open to question.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“I do commercials, but I also go to Sudan as an ambassador for UNICEF.”

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