James Nesbitt Quotes & Sayings (Page 7)

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James Nesbitt quotes and sayings page 7 (60 year old actor). Here's quote # 61 through 70 out of the 117 we have for him.

James Nesbitt Quotes
“It's easier to act in your own accent.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“It's easy to get carried away with yourself.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“It's hard to make a film in Britain. It's hard to raise money. The best stuff that is shot on film in Britain is usually shot on film for television.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“Kids at a certain age don't necessarily want to be dragged to the other side of the world.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“Love your parents, but don't have them as your mates.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“My early ambitions were the same as they are now - to play for Manchester United. I was, and still am, football mad.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“My mother certainly doesn't think I'm charming!”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“My nightmare is that I don't want to be OK.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“My wife is a very strong woman.”
James Nesbitt Quotes
“My wife would say I'm more Hyde than Jekyll!”

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