Jamie-Lynn Sigler Quotes & Sayings

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21 most famous Jamie-Lynn Sigler quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 43 year old American actress born on May 15, 1981.

Jamie-Lynn Sigler Quotes
“I like being upbeat, positive, happy, enjoying family.”
Jamie-Lynn Sigler Quotes
“My first car was a BMW. A white BMW.”
Jamie-Lynn Sigler Quotes
“Birth is really judgy, and people get really opinionated. Everyone's entitled to the experience they want.”
Jamie-Lynn Sigler Quotes
“I have something called exercise bulimia, which is where you rid of your calories by over-exercising.”
Jamie-Lynn Sigler Quotes
“I have never taken a road trip. Unless you count Los Angeles to Vegas.”
Jamie-Lynn Sigler Quotes
“I think comedy I've learned is really just about relaxing and trusting yourself and allowing yourself to fail.”
Jamie-Lynn Sigler Quotes
“I wasn't scared of childbirth. I educated myself and did my fair share of research, and that made me feel a little more prepared.”
Jamie-Lynn Sigler Quotes
“I went through phases of odd hairstyles and tank top-over-tee outfits and stuff like that.”
“Gay marriage is absolutely something that I am in full support of and a big advocate of, and I think it's an important issue, but there's a reason that I don't talk about politics and why I'll never be in politics. I am not the person to ever do that.”
Jamie-Lynn Sigler Quotes
“I really like the whole urban farming idea, because I grow my own produce in L.A., and I think it's great to teach people here in Manhattan so they can do the same.”

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