Janice Dickinson Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)
Janice Dickinson quotes and sayings page 5 (70 year old model). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 63 we have for her.
“The industry has died as far as modeling has gone, and I'll tell you why. Magazines are featuring the Halle Berrys and Sarah Jessica Parkers, all the actresses. Makeup companies are featuring all the celebrities. All the models have died.”
“I wish I'd gotten sober at a younger age.”
“But you see, that's the gilded prison of fashion. We're riding in private jets, and meantime I was so incredibly, painfully sad and lonely.”
“Celebrity is hawking make-up, cars, everything; it's shifted.”
“As the saying goes, I want to be the best-looking corpse there is.”
“But as a young model, I never felt as beautiful as I looked.”
“Follow sound business trends, not fashion trends.”
“I borrow bits from everyone.”
“Self-help books are for the birds. Self-help groups are where it's at.”
“I'm probably the biggest reality television star living.”
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