Janice Dickinson Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)
Janice Dickinson quotes and sayings page 6 (70 year old model). Here's quote # 51 through 60 out of the 63 we have for her.
“I can wrap my legs around my neck.”
“I'm able to move like no one else you've ever seen in front of a camera.”
“I'm aiming to become the white Oprah.”
“I'm the female Simon Cowell. He said I'm the scariest woman he's ever met. I asked him why he never dated me, and he said I was too intimidating.”
“I've been fooling the public for years and I'm really good at it.”
“I've been on the cover of every magazine in the world.”
“I have to wake up and drink chamomile tea to slow down.”
“I lived the stuff that Jackie Collins writes about.”
“I was shaped by my mistakes.”
“I was the first to sign up for Botox when it first came out.”
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