Javier Bardem Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Javier Bardem quotes and sayings page 3 (56 year old actor). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 70 we have for him.
“And the whole Oscar thing, that is just surreal: you spend months and months doing promotion, and then come back to reality with this golden thing in your hands. You put it in the office and then you just have to look at it sitting on the shelf. And, after about two weeks, you go: 'What is that doing there?'”
“I don't know how to drive a car.”
“Every time I wake up, I see myself like somebody beat me up.”
“I retired from rugby because I was old and getting really slow.”
“I can't imagine what it would be like being James Bond 24 hours. That must be exhausting.”
“I truly don't have any formula for the choices I make.”
“When I was born, there was a very isolated idea of what it meant to be a man or a woman, and you belonged to one gender or the other.”
“I've always belonged to the street, and I always will. It's in my DNA.”
“The background - your own history - is way more important than what you can achieve as a professional.”
“You want to do your job well so that people in the future say, 'OK, he's not bad, let's hire him.'”
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