Jennifer Hale Quotes & Sayings

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14 most famous Jennifer Hale quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 53 year old Canadian actress born on Jan 30, 1972.

Jennifer Hale Quotes
“That's really one of the things I love about video games. It's a whole new world every time you start.”
Jennifer Hale Quotes
“I assume the body language no matter what in doing voiceover. There is a transformative aspect.”
“Everything about video games has changed. The writing, the acting, the visuals, obviously - everything has gone to a new level. And the difference that I see as an actor is that I don't have to push that extra bit to sell what's going on.”
Jennifer Hale Quotes
“There's more flexibility in the cartoon world than there is in video games. In video games, if I tweak a line, I could screw up the work of countless other people with my whim.”
Jennifer Hale Quotes
“In the 'Mass Effect' universe, there is zero ad libbing.”
Jennifer Hale Quotes
“Military people do not get what they want by being emotional.”
Jennifer Hale Quotes
“Being able to stay with a character over the course of years is a gift.”
Jennifer Hale Quotes
“I am an outside person; if I don't get outside, I get a little crazy.”
Jennifer Hale Quotes
“I like it when I can hear directly from the writer: what they're seeing, what they're envisioning, and what their intention is.”
Jennifer Hale Quotes
“I'm used to living in a disassociated universe.”

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