Jim Bakker Quotes & Sayings

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25 most famous Jim Bakker quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's an 86 year old American celebrity born on Jan 2, 1939.

Jim Bakker Quotes
“You can't fake it when you're alone with God, you know.”
Jim Bakker Quotes
“You know, I try not to look back, because looking forward is so much better than looking backward.”
Jim Bakker Quotes
“It was dripping and, you know, and there was a whole line of cameras and microphones. I felt like - you remember the honor guards, only it was a dishonor guard.”
Jim Bakker Quotes
“Oh, I was never a businessman. I was a visionary, a dreamer.”
Jim Bakker Quotes
“God's forgiveness is the only thing. And, well, I take full responsibility for the adultery. It was my fault and, you know, no matter what went on, the man has to take responsibility; and I do.”
Jim Bakker Quotes
“They put chains on me; they chained my waist, my legs. Put me in the back of a squad car, and I literally blacked out. I didn't even - there's whole pieces missing.”
Jim Bakker Quotes
“Why should I apologize because God throws in crystal chandeliers, mahogany floors, and the best construction in the world?”
Jim Bakker Quotes
“I don't know, examination I guess. And then they put the jump suit back on me again. I went through the compound - I remember somebody shouting, Jim don't let them break you.”
Jim Bakker Quotes
“Most of you are so young you don't know who I am, and that's good.”
“I write about it in the book and, you know, explain that. But that was the technicality that actually got my sentence reduced - that Alan Dershowitz used to have my sentence - it came down eventually to eight years.”

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