Jim Lee Quotes & Sayings

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83 most famous Jim Lee quotes and sayings (artist). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

“The downside to becoming a doctor, I think, is it's a very long process; four years of medical school, three years of internship, two years of residency, umpteen years of specialization, and then finally you get to be what you have trained almost all your life for.”
Jim Lee Quotes
“Creating and producing creative work, to me, those are all happy accidents.”
“Al Plastino helped redefine Superman in the 1950s. His work on 'Superman's Girlfriend,' 'Lois Lane,' 'Adventure Comics' and pretty much any title in the Superman family will be fondly remembered for years to come. He will be missed.”
Jim Lee Quotes
“As a gamer, I like to go up and look at people's faces and see how good of a job they did.”
Jim Lee Quotes
“Outside of my work as a comic book creator and co-publisher, I'm an avid gamer.”
Jim Lee Quotes
“One of the most difficult things for any artist to do is create a world that looks both completely alien yet real and possible.”
Jim Lee Quotes
“I rarely draw myself, in general, and if I do, I tend to do little cute manga-esque, almost bite-sized drawings of myself.”
Jim Lee Quotes
“No true fan wants to go to Comic-Con and get assaulted with a marketing blitz about just any old show.”
Jim Lee Quotes
“Not everyone reads comics, although most people know the major superheroes, but the majority of people play video games.”
Jim Lee Quotes
“There was something special and unique about the love triangle that existed between Clark Kent, Superman and Lois Lane.”

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