Jim Webb Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Jim Webb quotes and sayings page 4 (-). Here's quote # 31 through 40 out of the 54 we have.

Jim Webb Quotes
“I was raised with the notion that there is no greater honor than to find a way to serve your country.”
Jim Webb Quotes
“I'm probably more comfortable inside a Marine Corps rifle company than I am anywhere in my life.”
Jim Webb Quotes
“It's a very tough thing to run for office, but it's also the way the American people get to know you.”
Jim Webb Quotes
“The frustration of the Senate is that it's slow. It looks like an aquarium.”
Jim Webb Quotes
“A typical day in the Senate requires several trips to the Senate floor and back, although the journey is usually underground so that on some days, once I arrive at work, I never see the sun.”
Jim Webb Quotes
“Events such as the 1991 Tailhook debacle have been seized upon and used by feminists to attack the military culture and bring about major concessions.”
“From the time I left the Marine Corps after serving as an infantry platoon and company commander in Vietnam, I decided that I would focus on immediate goals that inspired me to devote all of my energy to them, rather than putting together the more cautious and traditional building blocks of a predictable career.”
Jim Webb Quotes
“I am a junior senator, ninety-fifth on the seniority list, and so by Senate standards, my office in the Russell Senate Office Building is less than splendid.”
Jim Webb Quotes
“I am not convinced the Clean Air Act was ever intended to regulate or classify as a dangerous pollutant something as basic and ubiquitous in our atmosphere as carbon dioxide.”
“I have strong reasons for being a Democrat. Basically if you want true fairness in society, you want to give a voice in the corridors of power for the people who otherwise would not have it, I believe that will come from the Democratic Party.”

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