Joe Murray Quotes & Sayings

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23 most famous Joe Murray quotes and sayings (artist). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Joe Murray Quotes
“Marriage should be a duet - when one sings, the other claps.”
Joe Murray Quotes
“We're the real estate industry - not the manufacturers.”
Joe Murray Quotes
“I still have a vivid memory of my excitement when I first saw a chart of the periodic table of elements.”
“When an executive walked on our floor, it was at their own risk. As far as what others thought of working for me, I know I was very tough at times, and would storm down the hall after watching some bad animation from Korea. But overall, I feel we had a good time.”
Joe Murray Quotes
“Removal of an organ is difficult and dangerous. There have been several deaths of healthy donors. I think myself, I would be hesitant to participate as a liver donor. It's a very tricky operation.”
Joe Murray Quotes
“Post-operatively the transplanted kidney functioned immediately with a dramatic improvement in the patient's renal and cardiopulmonary status.”
Joe Murray Quotes
“Work is a prayer, and I start off every morning dedicating it to our Creator.”
Joe Murray Quotes
“With Charles Woods, it was the first time I had ever seen tissue from a dead person used to save a human life. It piqued my curiosity.”
Joe Murray Quotes
“I have never personally seen a hand transplant that is more useful than a prosthesis.”
Joe Murray Quotes
“I had worked on dogs for a couple of years developing a renal transplant operation. We had dogs running around with kidneys we had transplanted back into themselves.”

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