Joel Osteen Quotes & Sayings (Page 9)

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Joel Osteen quotes and sayings page 9 (62 year old clergyman). Here's quote # 81 through 90 out of the 125 we have for him.

Joel Osteen Quotes
“Prospering just doesn't have to do with money.”
Joel Osteen Quotes
“Most people already know what they're doing wrong. When I get them to church I want to tell them that you can change.”
Joel Osteen Quotes
“Every setback means you're one step closer to seeing the dream come to pass.”
Joel Osteen Quotes
“The greatest difficulty always comes right before the birth of a dream.”
Joel Osteen Quotes
“You were not created to just get by with an average, unrewarding, or unfulfilling life. God created you to leave your mark on this generation.”
Joel Osteen Quotes
“You cannot let where you are today cause you to get stuck. I'm going to be my best right now. That's what faith is all about.”
Joel Osteen Quotes
“My belief as a Christian is when we receive Christ as salvation, that that gives us a guarantee for Heaven.”
Joel Osteen Quotes
“This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do.”
Joel Osteen Quotes
“I didn't try to copy my dad or fit into the pressure or the mold that everybody tried to make me fit into.”
“I believe God's keeping the records, and I believe you will be rewarded even in this life. Somehow, some way, God will make it up to you. It may be He protected you from an accident you never knew. You can't give God something without God giving you more in return, whether it's peace or joy or satisfaction.”

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