Joel Osteen Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)
Joel Osteen quotes and sayings page 5 (62 year old clergyman). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 125 we have for him.
“The death of my father is probably the biggest thing that I ever faced. Daddy and I were best friends.”
“When I grew up, the Devil was a reason why I had a headache or the Devil was the reason I got mad today. We always blamed the Devil. I think today when I say the Enemy, I like to make it broader. Sometimes the Enemy can be our own thoughts.”
“If you are against yourself, you will never reach your highest potential. And when you criticize yourself, you're criticizing God.”
“Every day is a gift from God. There's no guarantee of tomorrow, so that tells me to see the good in this day to make the most of it.”
“Why don't you start believing that no matter what you have or haven't done, that your best days are still out in front of you.”
“It's in the difficult times that we're growing and you can't just rebuke everything hard. We've got to endure it and fight the good fight of faith and pass the test.”
“In difficult times, we're not supposed to quit believing; we're not supposed to quit growing.”
“Faith activates God - Fear activates the Enemy.”
“Only God can look at somebody's heart.”
“God wants us to prosper financially, to have plenty of money, to fulfill the destiny He has laid out for us.”
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